Hope and Disappointment

Barack Obama has made history. I am thrilled beyond belief at this. He will be the first president my son remembers, and I can think of no better.

And yet . . . . Marriage of same-sex couples is now not only illegal but unconstitutional in Arizona and Florida. Same-sex couples can no longer adopt or foster children in Arkansas.

As of this posting, Prop 8 in California is still up in the air. Things don’t look good, but I’ve heard that conservative areas tend to report early. Because I need to be awake to get my son ready for school tomorrow, I’m going to bed, despite an inclination to stay up for results.

Regardless, I can’t help feeling our country has changed for the better tonight. It’s not perfect, but we have new leadership and a new spirit. The rest will follow.

5 thoughts on “Hope and Disappointment”

  1. I read online that 51 percent of Californians are voting “yes” for Proposition 8. Hopefully, things will change for the better. If not, I may be moving to MA with you Dana! The snow storms in New England can’t be that bad right? :)

  2. Why not go one step further and move to Canada instead where our “Conservative Party” (considered to be right-wing up here) is to the left of your “Democratic Party” and where gay marriage is legal and health care is universal! Sure, it’s cold, but basic human dignity is worth donning a parka!

  3. A number of pundits theorize that, somewhat paradoxically, it was BECAUSE Obama was on the ticket that African American voters turned out in record numbers and it was largely for THAT very reason that Prop 8 was successful…because that same demographic is highly in favour of the “traditional” marriage and, in fact, anti gay marriage.

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