Kindergarteners and Marriage Equality

Paige Schilt at Bilerico today reflects on what she calls “my latest obsession: insinuating gay marriage into the kindergarten curriculum.” It’s a wonderful tale about her son’s first foray into a classroom, and a great example of something I’ve been saying for some time (most recently at, that curriculum or no, children will learn about LGBT families because our children are sitting in the classroom, too. And it won’t phase them a bit.

Thanks, Paige, for sharing your story.

Speaking of Bilerico, stop over there Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. ET where they’ll be hosting a liveblog with Kate Kendell, Nadine Smith and Barbara McCullough-Jones, who led the efforts to defeat marriage amendments in California, Florida, and Arizona. Bil Browning of Bilerico explains:

They’ll be answering questions and taking comments live about the amendment battles. Topics will range from “What went wrong?” to “Where do we go from here?” It’s an amazing opportunity for the average Joe/Jane to directly ask questions to these leaders – something I don’t think has ever been done before to such a large scale. Pam Spaulding will be my co-host for the evening’s chat. Pam, Kate and Nadine are Bilerico Project contributors and Barbara is a frequent guest blogger.

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