November 2008

Cause and Effect

See also under Locusts, Absence of. (Thanks, Wil.)

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today marks the 10th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance: The Transgender Day of Remembrance was set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The event is held in November to honor Rita Hester, whose murder on November 28th, 1998 kicked off the “Remembering Our Dead” web project and a

Kindergarteners and Marriage Equality

Paige Schilt at Bilerico today reflects on what she calls “my latest obsession: insinuating gay marriage into the kindergarten curriculum.” It’s a wonderful tale about her son’s first foray into a classroom, and a great example of something I’ve been saying for some time (most recently at, that curriculum or no, children will learn

TV Alert: Lesbian Moms on Discovery Health

Discovery Health will feature lesbian moms Karen and Janice tomorrow (Tuesday) on Five Under 5 at 8:00 p.m. ET. The moms have a four-year-old daughter and twin sons, and are preparing to welcome another set of twins. I feel exhausted just thinking about it—but they seem to be quite the happy family. If you want

Five Years of Marriage Equality, No Locusts

Today marks the fifth anniversary of marriage equality in Massachusetts, and I’m happy to report no locusts have been spotted in the Bay State. This bodes well for GLAD’s plan to have all six New England states enact marriage equality by 2012. Helen and I are also celebrating our Massaversary today. We’ve been together for

Healthy Fast Food Still On the Menu

We’re not a fast-food type of family. When I do need to stop for an on-the-road sort of meal, I’ll look first for a sandwich shop like Subway. My son likes a turkey sub with extra olives and pickles. I was delighted, therefore, to read that activist Mike Rogers (with whom I partnered for Write

What’s Cooking?

Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora, in an interview with the Food Gal, has spoken out against Prop 8. She also mentions that she and her partner Jen Cora are expecting their third child in April. Congratulations! (Thanks, After Ellen.) This is as good an excuse as any to move from politics to domestic

Cynthia Nixon on Marriage Equality and Stepparenting

It’s been a weekend of protests for the LGBT community. The New York Times, among other places covered them, as did most LGBT news channels. Pick your favorite; I won’t list them all here. Instead, I’m going to highlight the interview that actor and lesbian mom Cynthia Nixon did on Friday with Joy Behar, who

Joining the Impact?

Going to one of the nationwide protests today? Join the Impact is collecting your stories, photos, and videos. If you post something there, please leave a link in the comments here, so we can go see what your experience was like.

Weekly Political Roundup

Dan Savage says the Arkansas ban against adoption or fostering by unmarried couples is even more of a threat to LGBT equality than the marriage bans: Most ominous, once “pro-family” groups start arguing that gay couples are unfit to raise children we might adopt, how long before they argue that we’re unfit to raise those

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