March 2009

Family Voices International: III

Here is the third interview in this phase of the Family Voices series. This time around, I am teaming up with Julieta of Ju, An y el Perro Activista to extend the series to include non-U.S. LGBT families. Julieta has also done Spanish translations of all the interviews, which you will find after the English […]

Bank Ad Shows Transgender Inclusiveness

This isn’t exactly parenting related, but I found it too touching not to blog. Argentina’s Banco Provincia has released an ad featuring a transgender woman. Her neighbor sees how well the bank has treated her, comes to realize his bigotry, and apologizes for his past behavior. It’s tremendously moving, and groundbreaking for an ad that

Children’s Literacy Blog Event

Thanks to Steven at Book Dads for letting me know about Share a Story – Shape a Future: A Blog Tour for Literacy, which will kick off one week from now on March 9. The tour is “an ensemble effort not only to celebrate reading among those of us who already love books, but to

Songs of Imagination from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links

An Earthquake of Stunning Normalcy

Sometimes, signs of progress pop up in unexpected places. The Chicago Tribune this weekend ran a piece titled “Preschool FAQ,” by Heidi Stevens, who regularly writes on parenting for the Tribune. There’s nothing remotely LGBT-specific about it; it’s all about addressing questions that any parent, LGBT or not, might have if her or his child

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