Sexy Lesbian Moms in New York

Oh, the search engines are going to have a field day with that title . . . but I’m really just passing along this information about an event of possible interest to lesbian moms (and prospective moms) in New York City. Please contact them (not me) if you have questions.

Babeland, a mission-driven boutique retailer of quality sex toys and accessories, has a popular Sexy Moms Series of events at our Brooklyn store in NYC. Every month we have a different discussion group about issues related to sex and parenthood. This month the topic is Lesbian Parenting.

Sexy Moms Series: Lesbian Parenting
Wednesday, April 29, 7:00pm, free
Babeland Brooklyn, 462 Bergen Street

This month’s event will feature Lauren Abrams, a community health center midwife from Park Slope, who will speak about her experience as a lesbian partner raising two children. She’ll discuss navigating the medical world as a lesbian couple, communication between the birth and non-birth mother, changing desires, “donor dads,” taboos, etc. Babeland Co-Founder, Claire Cavanah, will also speak about her experience as a single lesbian mom. Complimentary refreshments will be served. The Sexy Moms Series is jointly sponsored by the New Space for Women’s Health.

1 thought on “Sexy Lesbian Moms in New York”

  1. Thanks for plugging this, Dana. Even at the cost of the flotsam and jetsam that may turn up here thanks to their Googlery.

    Babeland’s other co-founder and her partner were in our lesbian childbirth education group, and they have become major dear friends. It’s a great organization, doing great stuff (like this series).

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