June 2009

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 72

Helen and I share an inspiring story of high school students who stood up to hate. We then discuss the joys of smaller children’s museums, with some money-saving tips and hints for engaging the kids at museums of all types. We then end our Monday-night filming to go watch Weeds and Nurse Jackie, and promise […]

Swing High, Swing Low

What a day. My son is out of school for the summer, so I spent most of my time at the playground with him and a friend, watching them go up and down on the swings. Recent national LGBT political news has been rather like that, too. It has gone something like this: President Obama

Is New Equality California Ad Aggressive Enough?

On the first anniversary of the legalization of marriage for same-sex couples in California—or at least for the 18,000 that managed to get hitched before November 5th of last year—Equality California has released a new ad featuring a pair of gay dads and their five kids. In November, I criticized the No On 8 campaign

Good News, Bad News

Lawyer Nancy Polikoff informs us of both good news and bad news this week: First, the bad news: The Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeal just ruled that lesbian mom Kimberlee Black is not entitled to joint custody of a child she co-raised for six years. Full custody will go to the child’s biological mother,

Book Recommendation: There Is a Bird on Your Head!

My son is starting to read more on his own now, so I was delighted to find the lighthearted early reader There Is a Bird On Your Head! by Mo Willems, of Knuffle Bunny and Pigeon fame. The simple plot is that elephant Gerald has a bird on his head, and must rely on his

We Now Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

I’m not posting a Weekly Political Roundup this week. I did an LGBT Parenting Roundup yesterday that I hope will hold you until next Friday. You see, our son is graduating from kindergarten today, and I wouldn’t be a very good parenting blogger if I didn’t get out and, well, parent. Gotta go get him

A Loving Day

Today is Loving Day, a commemoration of the Loving vs. Virginia U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage, and a day that “fights racial prejudice through education and builds multicultural community.” The holiday takes on additional meaning this year with a president who is himself the product of an interracial marriage. As we celebrate

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Your weekly medley of LGBT parenting news. (No vlog this week; Helen and I have both been swamped with other work. Please come back for one next Thursday.) Personal stories: Transgender man Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy welcomed their second child into the world Tuesday. All appear to be doing well. Single mom Judy

New Film Explores How Gender Stereotypes and Homophobia Affect All Teens

(Originally published, with slight variation, as my Mombian newspaper column.) “I felt that teenagers in particular were really affected by anti-gay prejudice,” said Academy Award-winning filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, “but so much of the conversation that’s been had to date about that prejudice has been solely focused on how homophobia affects youth who are self-identified as

An Unlikely Friendship

Last week, I pointed out a moving post from Blogging for LGBT Families Day written by Haley Montgomery, a conservative evangelical Christian who was struggling to work through the issue of marriage equality, trying to reconcile her beliefs with the stories of loving LGBT families she was reading online. This week, I want to highlight

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