We Now Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

I’m not posting a Weekly Political Roundup this week. I did an LGBT Parenting Roundup yesterday that I hope will hold you until next Friday.

You see, our son is graduating from kindergarten today, and I wouldn’t be a very good parenting blogger if I didn’t get out and, well, parent. Gotta go get him into his khakis and oxford and give him a snack before the ceremony. Blogging can wait.

(Brian and Steven over at Green Dads have a son almost the exact same age as ours, who is also graduating from kindergarten next week. Go wish them congratulations, too!

If you have kids with similar milestones, leave a comment so we can all wish you and them well. Go ahead and brag. We’ll understand.)

Camera. Check. Tissues. Check. I’m off. Have a good weekend!

10 thoughts on “We Now Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming”

  1. Congratulations to your son (and the two of you, too). Here in Canada we have JK (junior kindergarten) and SK (senior kindergarten), so, as far as the school’s concerned, it’s not considered Kindergarten Graduation under after SK. However, we’re having a little soiree for our daughter who is just completing JK, because the real milestone, I think, is completing that first year of school.

  2. Our son just finished kindergarten too. No graduations though. That’s OK, because he’s been focusing on 1st grade since Spring Break.

  3. Enjoy the graduation, especially because I think this is the last one you get where the kids are so unbearably cute! (Certainly “cuteness” wasn’t terribly evident when my son had 5th grade graduation last year. There were too many kids who needed deodorant but weren’t using it yet, and who were at the all-knees-and-elbows stage, among other things!)

  4. Hey Congratulations to your son! Hope you all had a great day.

    I think I messed up when I posted D’s Moving Up ceremony (graduation) as next week. It was this morning and all went pretty good.

  5. Congratulations! My son just finished K a week ago and I wept at their ceremony. The love and pride of everyone, and the warmth and love with which his teachers guided all of them through the year. Wow. Just wow. (And then the fact that he had a queer teacher who was all about discussing queer issues with them, gendered stereotypes, etc — I could NOT ask for more!)

  6. Congratulations! All three of you should be proud.

    Our daycare/preschool has “graduation” every year (with construction-paper mortarboards) and I think the little ones have no idea what is going on except a party.

  7. Our boy just finished kindergarten too, although there was no ceremony. They had a cool kindergarten concert a couple of weeks ago though. I can’t believe how quickly all these kids are growing up!

  8. Thanks! That’s awesome! Would that we were all so lucky! I can’t complain about my son’s teachers, who were all very accepting, but they weren’t really proactive about discussing different types of families, either.

  9. It’s amazing how time flies, hmm? More reason to carpe diem and all that.

    Thanks to everyone for their congratulations!

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