October 2009

Maine Bigots Look Set to Misuse Family Diversity Film

The ultra-conservatives trying to revoke marriage equality in Maine look set to use the excellent LGBT-inclusive diversity-education film That’s a Family!, by Academy Award-winning filmmaker (and lesbian mom!) Debra Chasnoff for their own bigoted purposes, Frank Hogarth of San Francisco’s Beyond Chron reports. (Jeremy of Good As You independently confirmed a payment to Chasnoff’s Groundspark […]

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. National News The White House has issued a statement of President Barack Obama’s position on marriage equality referenda in Maine and Washington. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, flew through its Senate hearing.The similar bill House bill has already passed out of committee.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Just Awesome The Harry Potter Alliance, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit “dedicated to bringing the themes of Harry Potter into the real world” announced a grassroots effort to help defeat Ref. 1 and support marriage equality in Maine. As Jeremy at Good As You said, Dumbledore would be proud. Youth and Schools Fifty-three Republicans have signed a

“I Think Those Children Suffer”

Appalling. Ignorant and appalling. Keith Bardwell, a Louisiana justice of the peace, has refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple, citing concerns about the effect on any children. The AP, via NPR, reports: Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came

Survey of Donor-Conceived Youth and Adults with LGBTQ Parents

Passing along this information about a survey of donor-conceived youth and adults who have one or more LGBTQ parents. It is being conducted by the Donor Sibling Registry, which allows people conceived from sperm, egg, or embryo donation to contact others with whom they share genetic ties, at their mutual consent. They explain the survey

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 87

Helen and I bring you this week’s video in 3D! Well, sort of. But we do discuss how Disney’s Toy Story holds up with another dimension, and what we think of the Mouse House’s new foray into nature films. We also go underwater with Kate Winslet, in a manner of speaking. (Thankfully, it has nothing

Curveball Pitches and Sexy Moms

Like many bloggers, I get a lot of PR pitches. Here are a few of the more amusing ones I’ve received lately. Some are bad pitches; others are decent pitches for dubious products. Product/company names removed to protect the clueless. “Keep these Holiday offerings in mind for that special guy in your life . .

Maine Reflections

(Originally published in Bay Windows, September 15, 2009. I think Protect Maine Equality has gained some traction since I wrote it, but I believe much of the below still holds true.) My spouse and I took our six-year-old son camping in Maine right before the school year began. I have been camping there myself since

In Memoriam: Matthew Shepard

Lest we forget, in the communal excitement and debriefing over the National Equality March: Today marks eleven years since the death of University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard after a brutal gay bashing. His mother Judy Shepard, one of the LGBT community’s staunchest advocates, spoke at the March yesterday: I had the honor of meeting

Lesbian Grandmothers for Equality in Washington

The National Equality March has come and gone, and every LGBT and mainstream news outlet is covering it. I’ll leave the immediate coverage to those who were there, and plan to do a roundup later in the week of what I think are the more insightful pieces. In the meantime, let us not forget that

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