“Where Few Men Have Gone Before”

whosyourdaddyHere is the eleventh in my series of quotes from Who’s Your Daddy? And Other Writings on Queer Parenting. I’ll be running them for a couple of weeks courtesy of the book’s editor, Rachel Epstein. I’m choosing the quotes I feel are most intriguing and thought provoking; I don’t always agree with the sentiments, but I hope they will spur some discussion in the comments and encourage you to seek out the book for yourselves.

For more on how to get this Canadian-published volume (and you should!), see my original post about it.

Today’s quote is from Syrus Marcus Ware’s “Boldly Going Where Few Men Have Gone Before: One Trans Man’s Experience”:

There have been many funny moments through our journey (mixing up the donor number on the day of the insemination!), and my gender has been challenged in countless ways (injections of female hormones into my stomach every day! Trans-vaginal ultrasounds! A lack of man-ternity clothes!), but more importantly those closest to me see me for who I am: a trans man and soon-to-be dad. We have many more experiences to go through over the next nine months, but for now I am having rather gender-less and pretty common questions and concerns. . . . Why did no one ever tell me that to be pregnant is to be gassy all the time?

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