Star On the BBC

Passing along this request. I don’t know anything more about the show, so if you’re interested, please contact the producer as below. The BBC is looking for same-sex parents in the U.S. to host two British teens for a week, and to be filmed for a new season of an ongoing show about parenting.

The show is titled, somewhat sensationally, “The World’s Strictest Parents,” but the description for the show makes it sound more like “parents who can set appropriate boundaries for teens who need them.” A promotional document for the show explains further:

The BBC are looking for role model families from the Gay Community to take part in a new TV show, in which they send two teenagers from England to go and live with them for a week to learn about discipline and respect!

The first two series were HUGE in the UK and was one of the highest rated new BBC3 shows ever, and we hope that this series is going to be even better. We are looking for diverse families with teenagers who would be good role models to our unruly British teens.

Families whose teenagers enjoy their own freedoms but ultimately respect their parents!

Sounds like you or someone you know? Contact

+ 44 207 424 7728

Sensational or not, I think it’s a good thing that they want to include lesbian and gay parents in the mix.

3 thoughts on “Star On the BBC”

  1. Not to “pressume” that we are better educating, but at least it is a good try to take our families out of the media closed.
    Thanks for the info, wish a spanish-speaking tv would do the same and sell the program to Latin American tv stations.

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