Weekly Political Roundup

  • FlagsA federal judge ruled that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military’s ban on openly gay and lesbian servicemembers, is unconstitutional. The decision is likely to be appealed, which is why we must continue fighting the policy from a legislative angle as well, as I explain in a piece at Change.org.
  • Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter appointed deputy state attorney general Monica Marquez to the Colorado Supreme Court, making her the first lesbian and first Latina in the post.
  • Three of the seven justices on the Iowa Supreme Court are facing “retention votes” this year. Some conservatives are trying to use the justices’ votes in favor of marriage equality against them—but former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor spoke out in support of the justices and against judicial elections in general.
  • Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley hinted that he would sign a marriage equality bill if reelected and if such a bill passed the state’s General Assembly. (As I read his remarks, he’s still more on the “civil unions” side of things, but the Washington Posttalked with an O’Malley spokesperson, who said the remarks were consistent with previous statements that he would sign a marriage bill if it passed. Big “if” there, still.
  • MetroWeekly’s Chris Geidner profiles Maryland House of Delegates candidate Dana Beyer, who could become the first transgender member of the state legislature.

Around the world:

  • Members of the European Parliament are calling for EU countries to recognize same-sex couples in marriages and civil partnerships performed elsewhere, even if the countries do not perform such unions themselves.
  • A Canadian judge has upheld the ban on blood donations by men who have had even one sexual encounter with another man since 1977.
  • Five candidates for leader of the U.K.’s Labour party answered questions from the party’s LGBT group and Pinknews.co.uk about their stances on LGBT rights. Three admitted that “the party had let down gay people on a range of issues,” according to Pinknews.co.uk.
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