Marriage equality in New Hampshire is under threat from the veto-proof Republican super-majority in the Legislature—a result of the November 2 elections. Keori, who blogs over at Pam’s House Blend, is working with New Hampshire Freedom to Marry and on how to meet this challenge.
She noted in an e-mail to me that, “Post-Prop 8 and Post-Question 1 studies showed that mothers with children are the swing voters who make the difference in ballot questions about marriage rights. Who will appeal to them most? Other mothers with children.” She is therefore seeking queer families in New Hampshire, especially lesbian families with children, who might want to help. (For reference, here’s my post on how the Prop 8 campaign neglected the voices of LGBT parents, to its detriment.)
If you live in New Hampshire and are interested in helping as the above groups prepare their strategies, please e-mail for further details. They’re planning a statewide meeting on November 28 for activists, bloggers, and stakeholders, and will be discussing messaging, among other things. Even if you can’t make it then (I know, it’s a holiday week and short notice), drop her a note and see how you might be able to contribute at another time.
Thank you, Dana! This past election cycle, NOM funneled $425,000 into attack ads against Governor John Lynch, who signed the marriage equality bill. They have no compunction about pouring even more money into efforts to repeal marriage equality, and our best chance of stopping that is to come forward and tell our stories. Help protect marriage!