“Adoption Nation” Book Giveaway

Congratulations to Carrie, who won a copy of Adam Pertman’s book Adoption Nation (Second Edition) in the giveaway yesterday! For more about the book, or to read everyone’s comments about adoption, see my previous post.

Here’s today’s giveaway post, the second of three. First, some adoption-related news:

The state of Virginia is considering whether to follow up on a proposal from former Gov. Tim Kaine (D) and allow unmarried (and by definition, same-sex) couples to adopt in the state. Conservatives are lobbying new Gov. Robert McDonnell not to do so. Below is a video of Ellen Kahn, director of HRC’s Family Project, debating Virginia Republican Delegate Bob Marshall on DC’s FOX 5 News about the issue.

Should Gay Couples Have The Right To Adopt Children in Virginia?: MyFoxDC.com

On to the contest:

Leave a comment on this post with the name of your favorite parenting book (or your least favorite . . . or why you don’t read parenting books), and I’ll enter you in a drawing to receive a free copy of Adoption Nation, courtesy of the publisher. Comments must be left before 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time Thursday, April 7, 2011. (That’s 2:59 a.m. Eastern Time, April 8.) I’ll be doing one more giveaway, on Friday this week, so do stop back!

Additional rules and restrictions: U.S. and Canada residents only, please. One entry per person. Don’t worry if your comment is moderated; once I approve it, it will appear based on the time you submitted it. Spam comments, including off-topic or commercial comments, will not count. If you win any one of the three drawings for this book, you cannot play again. (You can leave a comment to participate in the discussion, but I won’t enter you in the drawing.) If you are or have been a paying advertiser (or an employee of a paying advertiser) on Mombian, you can’t play.

You must also leave a valid e-mail address with your comment. Don’t leave a postal address, though. If you win, I’ll contact you by e-mail about shipping. I will then share the winner’s name and postal address with the publicist, for the sole purpose of allowing them to mail you your prize directly.

I am a member of the Amazon Associates program, and get a small referral fee from all purchases made at Amazon.com via links on this site. You are under no obligation to purchase through them.

6 thoughts on ““Adoption Nation” Book Giveaway”

  1. I recommend the Love & Logic books. We’ve read a few of them and even taken a course about Love & Logic.

  2. I am not yet a parent, and really haven’t read too many parenting books. I peruse parenting.com (& find it – not fantastic) and have read a sleep book as well as keeping up with several blogs/forums for nannies (that’s my job). As mentioned yesterday, my wife and I are hoping to adopt, so I’m entering again to try and win this book!

  3. I used to teach parenting skills to parents whose kids were in foster care many, many, many years ago. For the life of me, I cannot recall any of the books that I used with the exception of the “1-2-3 Magic” book. I seriously can’t recall any parenting books that I relied on when I eventually became a parent.

  4. One of my favorites is actually not a book actually about parenting but rather has aided me in parenting. It is Todd Parr’s children’s book called The Family Book. A majority of my parenting issues are dealth with in the typical “what to expect” type books that are available to every parent out there for everyday problems. The hardest part of my parenting job is explaining why we are different. This book helps and is always a go to book for me when my four year old asks the inevitable why do i have two mommies question!

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