evan b. donaldson adoption institute

New book Explores Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Families

(November is National Adoption Month. Here’s my review of a new book on adoption by lesbians and gay men. Originally published in my Mombian newspaper column.) There have been a number of studies over the past 25 years on lesbian and gay parents and their children, but few have looked specifically at lesbian and gay

Major New Resource on Adoption by Lesbian and Gay Parents

The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute has just released a major new 69-page report, “Expanding Resources for Children III: Research-Based Best Practices in Adoption by Gays and Lesbians.” While the report is intended for adoption professionals and policy makers, I urge you to read at least the press release, if not the Executive Summary (PDF).

“Adoption Nation” Book Giveaway

Congratulations to Carrie, who won a copy of Adam Pertman’s book Adoption Nation (Second Edition) in the giveaway yesterday! For more about the book, or to read everyone’s comments about adoption, see my previous post. Here’s today’s giveaway post, the second of three. First, some adoption-related news: The state of Virginia is considering whether to follow

A Passport to Adoption Nation (and a Giveaway)

(I told you it was going to be bookish around here for a while. But there’s a giveaway at the end of the post, so read on.) We live in a time when the definition of “family” is not changing, but broadening. It is and always has been about love and commitment—and for those of

Participate In a Study of Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parents

Passing along this information about a new study of lesbian and gay adoptive parents. I’m not involved in the study, but I know the Evan B. Donaldson folks have a good reputation. David Brodzinsky, one of the study leads, is Research & Project Director there. His research partner, Scott Ryan, is at Florida State—and we

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Because the financial bailout isn’t the only thing happening this week: Ten-year-old Kira Findling of Sebastopol, California, wrote “Please Let My Moms Be Married,” a moving plea to vote no on Prop. 8, for the Press Democrat newspaper. A new report by the nonpartisan Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute in New York concludes that gay

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