Participate In a Study of Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parents

Passing along this information about a new study of lesbian and gay adoptive parents. I’m not involved in the study, but I know the Evan B. Donaldson folks have a good reputation. David Brodzinsky, one of the study leads, is Research & Project Director there. His research partner, Scott Ryan, is at Florida State—and we all know that Florida could use a dose of reality-based research on lesbian and gay parents.

The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute is conducting a research-based project that aims to increase and improve the adoption of children by lesbian and gay individuals and couples. As part of the project, we are collecting information through a survey of LGBT parents on their experiences in adopting children, as well as their perceptions of their current needs. If possible, could you please help by forwarding this email to clients, family or organizational members, colleagues and friends who are gay/lesbian adoptive parents, with a note from you requesting that they contact us to fill out a questionnaire? Once they contact us, we will forward a survey to them by mail, with a stamped envelope for returning the document. Respondents will have the option of filling out the survey anonymously. This research, which is headed by David Brodzinsky, Ph.D and Scott Ryan, Ph.D., has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Florida State University.

Individuals interested in participating in the survey study should contact David Brodzinsky, Ph.D., at

Thank you for your help and for your commitment to improving the lives of children through adoption.

Adam Pertman, Executive Director, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute
David Brodzinsky, Research Director, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

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