Where Are the Most Same-Sex Couples Raising Kids?

Where are are most same-sex couples raising kids?

Mostly in the deep South and Mountain West regions, according to a new analysis of Census 2010 by the Williams Institute of UCLA—although the data confirms a trend already seen in Census 2000.

Williams demographer Gary Gates explains, “In these socially conservative areas, LGBT people likely come out later in life and are more likely to have a child from a relationship with a different-sex partner when they were younger.”

Twenty-two percent of all same-sex couples across the country are raising children, according to Gates. (Keep in mind, of course, that there are also single LGBT parents, who are not counted here.)

1 thought on “Where Are the Most Same-Sex Couples Raising Kids?”

  1. Hmm, as a queer person considering having kids, I’d be curious to see where there are the highest number of queer couples with kids who chose that path when already out and together as a couple.

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