Missouri Teen of Lesbian Moms Profiled

The video below is a mostly positive profile of a teen with lesbian moms — especially coming from a Fox News affiliate in Kansas City, Missouri, a network and a state not known for their LGBT friendliness.

The family shines, especially 16-year-old Samantha. I have two criticisms, though. First, the coverage focuses too much on the “will gay parents make their kids gay” question (to which credible social science has long answered “no”). Second, the reporter states, “We checked in with one family to find out what it’s like to be a teenager in a household led by same-sex parents.” (The associated text article says, “We checked in with one teen to find out what it’s like to be raised by same sex parents.”)

Because clearly one teen can speak for all children of same-sex parents. It’s not like our families come from different races, cultures, social classes, ways of family formation, or anything.


All we can do is tell our individual stories, as Samantha and her moms have done, to their credit. It is our collective experiences that paint the broader picture, a picture as diverse as that of any other cross section of society.

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