New Ruling Helps Children of Lesbian and Gay Federal Employees

Thanks to the leadership of the Family Equality Council, federal employees may now extend medical coverage to children who are legally those of their same-sex domestic partner. Domestic partnership requires a simple declaration; it is not necessary to live where there is a formal DP registry or other formal relationship recognition.

This is still far from full federal recognition of our families, but it’s a good step in the right direction. I hope it helps show that the sky won’t fall if the government does recognize us.

(Technically, this is just a proposed rule change, and must go through a period of public comment before approval. But other LGBT-friendly rules have been approved in this way, such as extending hospital visitation rights to anyone designated by the patient, including same-sex partners.)

On another note, don’t forget that the Family Equality Council is trying to raise money to send two gay dads and their kids to Family Week in Provincetown, after they have been terrorized by vandals who have harassed them over weeks and broken into their home. You can give here if you wish.

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