March 2013

Hillary Clinton Says Parenthood Influenced Her Support for Marriage Equality

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally announced her support for marriage equality yesterday in a video for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). She not only cited her experience fighting for LGBT rights around the world, but also commented, “Like so many others, my personal views have been shaped over time, by people I have known and loved” —including her daughter, Chelsea.

Post of the Week - Mombian

Post of the Week: “My Favorite Way to Wake Up”

We often talk about “unconditional love” when it comes to our children. Most often, I think, we use it to describe our feelings as parents towards them. At Puffer and the Baby Fish, however, Pufferfish recently wrote about “My Favorite Way to Wake Up,” which illustrates what unconditional love can look like when it comes from a child. If it doesn’t bring a smile to your face, check your pulse.

Good News Friday

I could talk about the fact that the new pope called adoption by gay parents a form of “discrimination against children.” But are we really surprised by this? I could talk about how the National Organization for Marriage insulted adoptive parents of all types (including U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts) as well as same-sex parents. Again: It’s NOM. Are we surprised? But the next couple of weeks are going to be full of perturbing marriage- and parenting-related news, I’m sure, as the U.S. Supreme Court gets set to hear two marriage equality cases on March 26. I’ve chosen, therefore, to highlight some of the positive news of the week for LGBT families. Have a great weekend, all!

Colorado Passes Civil Unions Bill; Lesbian Moms Again in Spotlight

The Colorado House followed the state Senate yesterday in passing a civil unions bill, which the governor has said he will sign. An AP photo of lesbian moms Fran and Anna Simon tops the CBS News report on the occasion; and a photo of the Simons and their son is part of this gallery at HuffPo.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

This week’s roundup includes two family profiles, including one of the first lesbian in the U.K. to use assisted insemination, a couple of twisty legal issues, a lovely school story, and more.

Two Books about Children of Same-Sex Parents — for Children of All Parents

Two relatively new picture books—one about families with two moms and one about those with two dads—are delightful additions to the growing number of LGBT-inclusive children’s books. They are particularly notable because they speak not only to children with same-sex parents, but also to children whose friends have same-sex parents.

A Video for International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day, and I can think of no better way to celebrate women (publicly) than sharing the video “I Am a Full Woman” by filmmaker Linda Wolf.

Six Million Kids and Adults in U.S. Have LGBT Parent

As many as six million adults and children in the U.S have an LGBT parent, according to a new study, with an estimated three million LGBT Americans having had a child at some point in their lives.

LGBT Young People and Those with LGBT Parents Wanted for Survey on Media and Identity

I’m posting this for a colleague at my employer, the Wellesley Centers for Women. She’s part of a team doing research on how young people’s use of media influences their developing self-identity. She told me the team is particularly interested in “reaching out to young people whose voices are not always incorporated into developing new knowledge,” including those who are LGBT, are in LGBT-parent families, and/or are people of color.

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