The Force Is Strong with These Gay Dads

A new, Star Wars-themed ad campaign for Campbell’s Soup features two gay dads and their son in a clever, funny set up. Watch after the jump.

I won’t spoil the cleverness for you, aside from noting that it warms my geeky queer heart. Just watch.

The ad is part of a new brand initiative with the tagline “Made for Real, Real Life,” AdAge reports. The company wanted “to show a diverse mix of American families in the spots” and to “give us a fresh look at the same time.”

This isn’t Campbell’s first ad featuring same-sex parents, although I believe it is the first one in mainstream media. In 2008, it ran a print ad in LGBT magazine the Advocate, featuring two lesbian moms and their son. The company came under fire from conservative groups for doing so, but held its ground.

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