Italy Approves Two-Mom Second-Parent Adoption

italy_flagAn Italian court has said a two-mom couple can adopt the other’s biological children—the second time in recent months such a case hasn’t been appealed. The ruling has limits, however.

The juvenile court in Rome said that Marilena Grassadonia could adopt the twins borne by her spouse, Laura Terrasi, and Terrasi in turn could adopt the child borne by Grassadonia. Grassadonia is president of the country’s Famiglie Arcobaleno (Rainbow Families) organization. Such rulings are still on a case-by-case basis, however—and are limited to legalizing the relationship between the parents and children, not extending to creating truly equal family bonds. Famiglie Arcobaleno explained in a statement, “In this case, for example, the three children are not brothers under the law and the recognition of the family stops at parents, without extending the grandparents.” [“In questo caso, ad esempio, i tre figli non sono per la legge fratelli e il riconoscimento della famiglia si ferma ai genitori, senza estendersi ai nonni.”]

Grassadonia commented, “Personally, it is a great satisfaction, but I can not be happy in full if I think our families are at the mercy of individual judgments: we were lucky and so our children, but there are couples with children still waiting on judgment, others still on appeal, others that have yet to turn to the courts. Therefore our battle must continue towards a law that recognizes egalitarian marriage, the possibility of adoption and the right to be registered as parents of our children directly at their birth.” [“Personalmente è una grande soddisfazione, ma non posso essere felice a pieno se penso che le nostre famiglie sono in balia delle singole sentenze: noi siamo state fortunate e così i nostri figli, ma ci sono coppie con bambini ancora in attesa di giudizio, altre ferme in Appello, altre che devono ancora rivolgersi ai Tribunali. Per questo la nostra battaglia deve proseguire verso una legge che riconosca il matrimonio egualitario, la possibilità di adozione e il diritto di essere registrati come genitori dei nostri figli direttamente alla loro nascita.”]

Congratulations to the couple and their family, and may their hope of equality for all come to pass!

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