Massachusetts Senate Passes Transgender Protections Bill

Massachusetts State SealAllow me a moment of hometown pride. The Massachusetts Senate has just passed a transgender protections bill—and while it is not yet law, it is a breath of fresh air after the awful anti-trans bill passed in North Carolina.

The bill, which passed by a whopping 33 to 4, now heads to a full vote in the House. Massachusetts is the only state in the U.S. that has considered a “proactive, transgender-specific bill this session,” according to Freedom Massachusetts, the bipartisan campaign working to pass the bill.

Kasey Suffredini, co-chair of Freedom Massachusetts, said in a press release:

“Today’s historic passage of the transgender protections bill in the Massachusetts Senate sends a message the transgender community has longed for decades to hear—that we are truly welcome and valued in our Commonwealth, and that our contributions are a part of the fabric that allows Massachusetts to thrive and prosper.

Massachusetts led the way on marriage equality, and I’m pleased it’s not falling behind here. I’m so happy for my trans friends in the state, and will continue contacting my elected officials until the bill is law.

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