Happy New Year!

2019A very happy New Year to you and your families, however you define them! What are your resolutions—or just your hopes for the year?

I hope 2019 brings us all personal joy and happiness along with continued progress towards equality and inclusion. Last year had its ups and downs; I hope we all emerge from our holiday breaks refreshed, renewed, and ready for the challenges ahead, in both our families and in the wider world.

These are difficult times for many of us in the U.S. right now (and in other places around the world, although I speak of them with less authority). We have built families—and a community of LGBTQ parents and our children—full of caring and support, however. I have seen us overcome obstacles before, and I know we will do so again.

On a personal level, I want to continue enjoying time with my spouse and our 15-year-old son, making time for each other despite our busy schedules and our son’s growing teen independence. I hope to continue my independent pursuits as well—long-distance cycling, which neither my spouse nor son is into; and of course, this blog. I look forward to charting the landscape of LGBTQ parenting life and helping us share our stories with each other in the coming year. (If you have a particular story you’d like to share, please let me know.)

May you and yours have a 2019 full of love and joy.

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