An “OK” Babysitter is Not OK in Two-Dad Ad

Samsung isn’t the only company to be portraying same-sex parents in its ads lately. AT&T this month released an ad touting the idea that “just OK is not OK” in either babysitters or wireless networks—and the parents dealing with the babysitter in question just happen to be two dads.

I love this ad as well as the Samsung one because each ad would have worked just as well without a queer couple in it. The point isn’t their queerness; just like any other parents, they worry about getting good care for their children. It’s especially great to see a humorous ad featuring queer people where the humor isn’t about their being queer. In this case, the babysitter’s cluelessness is the target. Nevertheless, AT&T, like Samsung, chose to show a same-sex couple, reflecting the world we live in. They get five bars from me.

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