Get Ready for an #LGBTQFamiliesDay Dance Party!

I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that award-winning children’s music duo Ants on a Log will be holding a special live online concert just for #LGBTQFamiliesDay on June 1, and you’re invited!

Ants on a Log

Ants on a Log is Julie Beth (they/them) and Anya Rose (she/her). The folky duo writes and performs music for children and other childlike people, songfully advocating for positivity, social justice, and silliness! In their off-stage lives, Julie is a music therapist and Anya is an elementary science teacher. Their powers combined make for smart, socially conscious folk, with harmonies and rhythmic play that are a delight for children (and grown children!) of all ages.

The Ants will be joining Family Equality and me for a live concert and giveaway on Monday, June 1, 2020, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. ET. Tune in at that time over at the Family Equality site or at their Facebook page. Don’t forget to post photos of your family enjoying the music and mention #LGBTQFamiliesDay!

#LGBTQFamiliesDayMany thanks to the Ants for helping to make the milestone 15th #LGBTQFamiliesDay extra special in a year when we could all use a little something special—and thanks to Family Equality for hosting this and many more fun and informative events for LGBTQ families during this time of pandemic.

Can’t make the dance party? You can still participate in #LGBTQFamiliesDay by posting, tweeting, or sharing anywhere on social media with the hashtag #LGBTQFamiliesDay on June 1! Share a photo of your family or just some words of celebration and support! And stay tuned; we may have some more goodies coming up!

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