Vote Like Your Family Depends on It — Because It Does

This election could be more consequential for LGBTQ families—and for the future of our country in general—than any other in history. Go vote if you haven’t; help someone else get to the polls if you can. Here are a few tips.

Vote for our Families

Key Info

Helpful Tips

  • Wear a mask and follow social distancing rules. Use hand sanitizer before and after you vote. See also these voting safety tips from CNN.
  • Plan to wait in line. Dress for the weather since you may be outdoors. Bring food and water if you think you’ll need it.
  • Review what’s on your ballot ahead of time to minimize time at the polling place.
  • Make sure to vote all the way down the ballot, not just for the president.
  • Help a relative, friend, or neighbor find where to vote and what to bring. Offer to drive them if you can and you feel it’s safe (i.e., you’ve both been social distancing, will wear masks, and show no signs of COVID-19).
  • Note that several ride services (like Lyft and Uber) are offering free or discounted rides to get to the polls today.
  • Leave the kids at home if you can (unless they’re of voting age and voting, too). Any other year, I’d say bring them along to show them what participatory democracy looks like. This year, because of the pandemic and expected long lines, it’s probably best not to, unless you have no other choice (in which case make sure to bring some books or toys to amuse them in line).

Vote for our families, our country, and the world we want to see. Our work won’t end after the election, no matter the results, but let’s see if we can get things headed in a better direction.

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