Seeking Hope

Like so many, I have been angered and appalled by the horrific acts of terrorism committed by Hamas on Israeli civilians. Now, I am trying to hold several difficult things in my heart as I try to find hope.

Seeking hope

I condemn the actions of Hamas. At the same time, I condemn how the Israeli government has mistreated Palestinians as a whole. Neither one justifies the other, however; they are simply both wrong. I am Jewish, but my heart aches for both Israelis and Palestinians living in grief and fear right now. Their leaders do not represent them all.

Hamas must be stopped, but what will be the cost? Will the region ever find a way to a lasting peace? I do not know, and I do not have any solutions. People far more knowledgeable than I have tried and failed to make it happen.

I do know that repairing this broken world is a core Jewish value, as is loving the stranger, as is seeking peace. Right now, all I can do is to try and live out those values in my own life. That feels grossly inadequate, but it’s all I have at the moment. I hope there will be more concrete actions to take in the days to come.

May wise minds and loving hearts prevail.

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