Join Family Equality and Me for an LGBTQ+ Empty Nesters Webinar

Being a parent is a lifetime commitment—but when our children leave home, our relationships with them and our parenting partner(s) may change. If you’re also an empty nester or soon to be, please join Family Equality and me for a webinar about navigating this stage in our family journeys!

I’m thrilled to be partnering with Family Equality for the “LGBTQ+ Empty Nesters” webinar on March 19, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, joined by several great panelists. Here’s the official blurb:

LGBTQ+ parents go through heroic efforts to bring children into our families, but what happens when our kids grow up and start their own lives? You may wonder how you’ll stay connected while giving them space, how your role and identity as a parent will change, or what your relationships will look like after this big transition. In partnership with Mombian, Family Equality is thrilled to present a virtual webinar for current and future LGBTQ+ empty-nesters. Whether your flock has already left the nest or you’re preparing for the day that they move out, please join us to hear stories from panelists who are on the same journey.

Panelists include:

  • Dana Rudolph (she/her)
  • Chris Harris (he/him)
  • Denise Hinds (she/her)
  • Suzanne Ford (she/her)

I look forward to chatting with you and to hearing about your experiences and questions as well, whether you’re a long-time empty nester or have this in your future! In the meantime, here’s a piece I wrote a few years ago, the week our son left for college, when being an empty nester was brand-new to me.

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