Join Me for “A Quick History of LGBTQ Families” Webinar

I’m delighted to invite you to a free webinar on “A Quick History of LGBTQ Families,” hosted by PregnantTogether and presented by me, next Tuesday, October 1, at 7-8 p.m. ET (4-5 p.m. PT)! Kick off LGBTQ History Month with some history!

A Quick History of LGBTQ Families

I’ll be taking you on a whirlwind tour, focusing on the 20th century and out LGBTQ parents, but also peeking back to earlier times. I’ll share some highlights and milestones, but also take a closer look at some of the parents and advocates on whose shoulders we stand. I hope you’ll join me!

A Quick History of LGBTQ Families
Tuesday, October 1
7-8 p.m. ET (4-5 p.m. PT)

Registration is free, but you need to sign up in advance at PregnantTogether.

Many thanks to Marea Goodman, licensed midwife and founder of PregnantTogether (whom I had the pleasure of interviewing earlier this year), for inviting me to do this!

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