Blog Admin

Tell Me About Yourselves

I’m participating in this year’s Blog Reader Project in order to find out more about you, my readers. I’m therefore asking you to take a completely anonymous survey about yourself and your interests, blog-related and otherwise. This will give me (and potential advertisers) a better sense of who you are, and will be compiled with […]

Offsprung Has Sprung!

Many months ago, I agreed in a caffeine-fueled haze to write for an upcoming parenting Web site, Offsprung. Today the site launches. Offsprung isn’t your mother’s parenting Web site, however. Instead, it’s a humor magazine designed to eviscerate the excesses of modern parenting culture. It’s offbeat, in your face, and irreverent. If you don’t like

Welcome, GeekDad Visitors

A big Mombian welcome to the GeekDad visitors stopping by via Asha’s post about my PVC Pipe Construction Set. For the straight dads suddenly wondering what you’re doing on a blog about lesbian moms, I’ll note that part of my purpose is to show that many parenting topics cut across all genders and sexual orientations.

Mombian Is a Top 100 Mom Blog

[Update: Joan Conde at Mamacita has pointed out that this award is in all likelihood a scam to encourage links to the Mother’s Day Central site for purely commercial purposes. I’m not against making a buck, but Mother’s Day Central seems to be employing duplicitous means to do so. The lack of contact information on

Riding to Boston

It’s just my luck that we had a sleet storm here in the Hudson Valley yesterday, when the movers packed all our stuff onto a truck. Yes, the move to the Boston area that I mentioned back in October has finally arrived, despite the vagaries of the housing market and New York real-estate laws, which

Mombian Resource Directory Has 500th Link

I’m pleased to announce that the Mombian Resource Directory for LGBT Parents now has over 500 links on starting a family, raising children (both LGBT-specific sites and general, but LGBT-friendly, sites), LGBT politics and law, online and offline groups, blogs, and forums for LGBT parents, and much more. It covers the entire LGBT spectrum, not

Mombian Widget

Here’s a handy little item for those of you who want to put Mombian headlines on your own sites: a Mombian widget, courtesy of Widgetbox. Cut and paste a simple bit of code, and voilà! The latest Mombian headlines will display in a small box. It’s suitable for most blog sidebars or wherever else you

Mombian Resource Directory Has 400th Link

I’ve just added the 400th link to the Mombian Resource Directory for LGBT Parents, and thought that was worth a minor celebration. Topics in the Directory include starting a family, raising children (both LGBT-specific sites and general, but LGBT-friendly, sites), LGBT politics and law, online and offline groups and forums for LGBT parents, and much

Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Watering Can and Squeegee

From Ru at Hedda Dabbler comes the idea of a watering can for kids. She notes, “It is so versatile – a purse, a planter, a container of any sort really – and best of all, it is intended to do that most exciting of all things – pour water!” Ah, yes, the perpetual fascination

Mombian in Bay Windows

Not only am I excited about my family’s pending move to Massachusetts, but I’m pleased to announce that starting this week, I’ll be writing a bi-weekly Mombian column for Bay Windows, New England’s largest LGBT newspaper. I’ll cover the same mix of parenting, politics and diversions as I do here, but with more of an

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