Riding to Boston

Boston HarborIt’s just my luck that we had a sleet storm here in the Hudson Valley yesterday, when the movers packed all our stuff onto a truck. Yes, the move to the Boston area that I mentioned back in October has finally arrived, despite the vagaries of the housing market and New York real-estate laws, which seem to treat the idea of a closing date as something merely suggestive.

The end is in sight, though, and I am looking forward to living with my partner again. It’s been five months now that she’s been staying in Massachusetts during the week and driving home to New York on the weekends. I have a much greater appreciation for single moms. (Handy tip: We were able to marry in Massachusetts last fall based on our “intent to reside” there, proven by my partner’s job-offer letter. We wouldn’t have rushed it, except that her new company no longer provided health insurance for non-married partners. Something to keep in mind if you find yourself in a similar situation.)

I blogged yesterday from the environs of my local Panera, where they have strong coffee, tasty pastries, and free WiFi. The movers loaded boxes and I stayed out of their way. It was bad enough thinking about strange men packing up my underwear; I didn’t need to watch them, too. (I do hope they learned a thing or two from the back issues of Curve we had lying around, though.) My son is with my folks, and having a blast since staying at Grandma and Grandpa’s is like one big chocolate-pudding-fueled party.

Back to more relevant matters: I shall attempt to keep posting daily even through the transition, thanks to the wonders of public WiFi hotspots. (Panera rocks because it’s free, but Starbucks or Barnes & Noble will do in a pinch.) I also have a few guest posts lined up to cover any gaps. Comment moderation may be slow, but if you’ve left a comment before, your new ones should go through automatically.

For those of you in the Boston area: I was thinking it would be great to arrange an LGBT-family trip to the Boston Children’s Museum after it reopens mid-April. I’d love to get to know some folks in the area and see the Museum’s renovations. Drop me an e-mail if you’re interested. (I’m thinking early May, after I’m settled and the crowds have died down at the Museum.) Even if not, drop me a note to say hi. We’ll be north of the city proper, but I’m willing to drive pretty far for a playdate while I’m getting to know people. (My son’s three and a half, and pretty well behaved for the age.)

2 thoughts on “Riding to Boston”

  1. My well-behaved 3 1/2 year old son would be thrilled to meet your welll-behaved 3 1/2 year old son either at the Children’s Museum, or somewhere north of Boston, since we live in the north too. Good luck with the move and welcome to mecca.

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