Blog Admin

See You at Creating Change In Atlanta?

I’m so excited. I’m heading off this week to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change conference for the first time while my spouse holds down the fort at home. If any of you are going, too, please feel free to drop me a note so we can say hi and plot a lesbian mom takeover of the universe.

Mombian Named a Top Pregnancy Blog of 2012

Babble, that parenting wonderland, has named Mombian one of its Top 20 Pregnancy Blogs of 2012. I’m honored by the accolade and humbled to be in such good company. A full list of honorees is after the jump.

Be Social!

The best part of running this blog is being part of the larger community of LGBT parent bloggers online. I thought I’d take a moment, therefore, to remind readers that there are several ways to stay in touch with Mombian across the various online channels where you might hang out:

Summer Pause

I’m going to be taking a couple of days off from blogging so I can have some extra quality time with my family before the new school year hits. Besides, my brain needs to unplug every once in a while.

Happy 7th Birthday, Mombian!

Seven years ago today, roughly two years after the birth of my son, I published my first post here at Mombian. In it, I said the blog was “dedicated to providing relevant, useful, and just plain fun reading for lesbian moms.” I hope I’ve succeeded.

Mombian Wins GLAAD “Outstanding Blog” Award

I’m honored and humbled to announce that Mombian has won the “Outstanding Blog” category in the 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards, along with the always informative and prolific Towleroad.

My New Job with the SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum

There are big changes afoot here at the House of Mombian. I’m delighted to report that I’ve just taken a part-time job as the Online Content Manager for the SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum, a 26-year-old diversity program that helps educators “examine contemporary scholarship as well as ‘the textbooks of our lives’ in order to inform community conversation about schooling and culture.” It explores gender, race, culture, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity, and prepares educators to bring their learnings back to their own schools.

I’ve Redecorated! Mombian’s New Look

Welcome to the new look of Mombian! I’ve been moving the furniture around, so come on in and have a seat!

It’s been far too long since I’ve redesigned the site, but I’ve been tweaking and geeking a bit, and I think things are mostly in order now.

Celebrating Five Years of the Mombian Newspaper Column

What a week. I was surprised this morning to see Mombian’s nomination for the GLAAD Awards—but I was already in a celebratory mood because today marks five years of my Mombian newspaper column. (The blog is going on seven.) The column has been a chance for me to delve more deeply and reflectively into some

Mombian Nominated for “Outstanding Blog” in GLAAD Media Awards

I am honored to announce that Mombian has just been nominated for “Outstanding Blog” in the 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards. I’m truly flattered, especially since I’m in very good company. The other nominees are The Bilerico Project, The New Civil Rights Movement, Rod 2.0, and Towleroad—all sites and bloggers whom I admire and consider

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