
L Word Books, Music, and DVDs in Mombian Shop

With less than two weeks until the season premiere of The L Word, I thought I’d create a special section of the Mombian Shop for L Word books, music, and DVDs. Catch up on the episodes you’ve missed, read academic critiques of the series, or buy some tunes and dance around your living room. (Wear […]

Lesbian Social-Network War Heats Up

Two days after L Word producer Ilene Chaiken announced the creation of OurChart.com, a new social network for lesbians, Olivia Cruises & Resorts announces “the all new online destination for lesbians . . . the new Olivia.com, where you’ll meet other lesbians online, make connections with friends, share stories, and network with other like-minded lesbian

Ilene Chaiken Launches Social Network for Lesbians and Friends

Ilene Chaiken, executive producer of The L Word, will be launching a new social network “for lesbians and their friends” this January, in conjunction with the fourth season of the show. A sort of My Space for lesbians, OurChart.com will feature original as well as user-generated content, along with exclusive material from The L Word.

“Postcards from Buster” Is Back

The PBS Kids show Postcards from Buster is back with ten new episodes, notes Hillary at MotherTalkers. She highlights an article from today’s New York Times that describes the show’s funding troubles after the right wing and Secretary of Education castigated it for an episode about lesbian moms. (Well, not exactly about lesbian moms. The

Melissa, Tammy, and the Twins’ Photo Shoot

Melissa Etheridge, Tammy Lynn Michaels, and their new twins have done a photo shoot for US Weekly, in which they talk about IVF, baby names, being out as parents, and crunchy tacos. I want to offer my suggested changes to some of Melissa’s classic songs now that she’s taking care of babies again: “Somebody Bring

ER’s Lesbian Mom Finds Love

Last night’s episode of ER showed doctor and lesbian mom Kerry Weaver (portrayed by actor Laura Innes), starting a new relationship after a long drought. That’s one more lesbian kiss for network television. In what could be a first for a network show, however, the episode featured not one, but two LGBT storylines, as Dr.

History and Geography of the Island of Sodor

As both the mother of a train-obsessed child and a refugee from grad school in history, I was delighted to find a Wikipedia article on the history and geography of the Island of Sodor, home of Thomas the Tank Engine. It’s not quite world-building on the Tolkien scale, but it’s a step in that direction,

Olivia on Saturday Night Live

Last weekend’s Saturday Night Live show featured a skit about Olivia Cruises. It’s crude and obvious, revolving around the ship captain’s prurient thoughts regarding lesbians. Still, the women get the final word, and Olivia itself is promoting the skit via its e-mail list. I figure that being made fun of on SNL connotes a certain

Save the Date: The L Word Season 4 Premieres January 7

Showtime’s Web site is now stating that the new season of The L Word will premiere January 7, 2007, making me ask once again “Where did the summer go?” Still, I’ll be happy to see the gals soon. I’ve had enough wallowing in LGBT politics and I want some pure escapism, dammit. New cast members

Young People, the 2006 Elections, and Preparing Our Children

Americans under 30 voted in the largest numbers for midterm elections in at least 20 years, and may have made a difference in the many close races. Young people favored Democrats by 22 points, nearly three times the Democratic margin among other age groups. Some say this indicates a rising Democratic bloc that could be

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