13 LGBTQ-Inclusive Holiday Books for Kids
Looking for LGBTQ-inclusive, holiday-themed books for kids? There may not be as many as we’d like, but there might be more than you think!
Looking for LGBTQ-inclusive, holiday-themed books for kids? There may not be as many as we’d like, but there might be more than you think!
This week in “queer parents being awesome” is the news that author, professor, transgender advocate, and parent Jennifer Finney Boylan has been named president and chair of PEN America, the century-old organization dedicated to defending writers and free expression.
History, biography, family formation, health, and more—these LGBTQ-inclusive middle grade nonfiction books from 2023 cover a range of topics for tweens. Share them with the inquisitive youth in your life!
Adventurous. Affirming. Amazing. This year’s LGBTQ-inclusive middle-grade fiction books cover a wide range of identities, settings, and moods, with exciting escapades, family fun, fast friendships, sweet crushes, and queer kids saving the world and themselves!
For World AIDS Day and any time, here’s a roundup of LGBTQ-inclusive picture and middle grade books about AIDS and people living with HIV or AIDS. HIV and AIDS are not LGBTQ-specific, of course, but have hit our community hard, and LGBTQ-inclusive books are my focus. May these books offer insight into our history and a disease still with us.
I’m continuing my roundups of this year’s LGBTQ kids’ books, this time with a look at the sometimes-forgotten range of titles for readers aging out of picture books, but not quite ready for the longest middle grade reads.
This year’s LGBTQ-inclusive picture books have dazzled me. Here are some that stand out and seem the most celebratory, perfect for holiday giving. Stories of family, identity, community, biography, and just pure fun—you’re bound to find something for someone on your list!
To keep the celebration of Trans Awareness Week rolling, here are some great kids’ biographies of trans people and their accomplishments in politics, medicine, entertainment, activism, the military, and more! They make terrific reading all year long.
It’s Transgender Awareness Week and National Young Readers Week, which means it’s time for a roundup of some great picture, chapter, and middle grade books from 2023 with trans characters!
Today is the last BIG publication day of the year (although a few more titles will still trickle in through December)! Check out these great new picture, chapter, and middle-grade books full of family, adventure, community, and queerness!