Media Coverage

Goodbye to a Groundbreaking Blog

Some sad news this past weekend: Pam Spaulding, whose blog Pam’s House Blend has been an inspiration and beacon for many of us in the LGBT and progressive blogosphere, has announced she is closing her blog July 1, after nine years, in order to focus on her health.

Seeking Binational Same-Sex Couples Raising Children

Passing along this message from Immigration Equality, a national organization fighting for equality under U.S. immigration law for LGBT and HIV-positive individuals. They are seeking binational same-sex couples with children for an awareness campaign. Please respond to them at the link below if you are interested. Immigration Equality is hoping to find binational couples, who are

TV Alert: Transgender Children on “Anderson”

Anderson Cooper covers the topic of transgender children in his new daytime talk show today. (Find airing times in your area.) Here are details about the show and two of its featured guests, via a press release: On Wednesday, November 16, Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show, Anderson, will focus on transgender children – children

Same-Sex Parenting: “The New Normal”

Parenting magazine has a great article in this month’s issue titled, “Meet the Same-Sex Parents Next Door.” It’s very much in the category I call “Lesbian Parenting 101,” i.e., aimed at non-LGBT people who may not have met or thought about LGBT parents before. But consider the venue—a leading mainstream parenting magazine—and it’s a terrific

Russian Organization Launches Lesbian Parent Poster Project

An LGBT organization in Saint Petersburg, Russia has launched a poster project about lesbian families—and it’s worth a look. The posters, produced by the Rainbow Parents project of the LGBT group Coming Out, with the help of the Heinrich-Böll foundation in Moscow, will be distributed among community organizations in St. Petersburg and the regional offices of the Russian LGBT Network–and anywhere else people wish to hang them.

Anti-Gay Bullying Article in Ladies’ Home Journal”

Ladies’ Home Journal, the venerable women’s magazine that launched back in 1883 and has helped define the genre, has published a major article this month on anti-gay bullying, “Gay Teens Bullied to the Point of Suicide.” The sub-header hints at the broad range of political and religious beliefs held by LHJ readers: “It’s a shocking trend.

Tell AOL News Not to Spread False Research on Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents

Petitions by|Start a Petition » A recent article by Paul Kix of AOL News, “Study: Gay Parents More Likely to Have Gay Kids,” discussed research by Kansas State University professor Walter Schumm, in which Schumm claims to have come to the titular conclusion. Problem is, Schumm has been shown to use misleading methods, and

Rosie and Kelli Working on Their Issues; So Is the Media

Two of the most famous lesbian-mom spouses in the world are having trouble. Rosie O’Donnell told USA Today that all is not well between herself and spouse Kelli Carpenter O’Donnell, but would not confirm if Kelli had moved out, as some sources are reporting. Here’s the interesting thing about how the story is being reported,

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