
Vicks India - Gauri Sawant

Trans Mom and Activist Featured in Vicks India Ad

Sometimes it’s nice to be wrong. The other day, I speculated that Baby Dove might have given us the first ad featuring a transgender parent who became a parent after transitioning. Turns out that an ad in India for Vicks beat them by a few days—but the ads are far from copies of each other.

Zales ad

Zales Reprises Same-Sex Couple in Valentine’s Day Ad

Jeweler Zales’ Valentine’s Day ad this year includes the same two-bride couple who premiered in their winter holiday ad last November and sparked the ire of right-wing group One Million Moms. Clearly, that hasn’t slowed the company down.


How Lesbians Helped Save Subaru

Think “car” and “lesbian,” and chances are, you’ll think “Subaru.” The latest episode of NPR’s Planet Money podcast explains how this came to be and how targeting lesbians “may have helped save the company.” For bonus points, they start and end the episode with a vignette about a lesbian mom.

Stand With Target

Stand with Target Against Hate

My family buys a lot at Target. My son’s favorite hoodie. Cheerios. Socks. Cat litter. School supplies. I was disturbed, therefore, when a conservative group called for a boycott of the company for its support of transgender equality. Here’s how we can respond.

Tylenol - How We Family

Same-Sex Parents in Advertising: A Playlist

Logo has just released its “25 Trailblazing Companies” list of companies that have best demonstrated a public commitment to LGBT people and issues. Check out the list, as well as my YouTube playlist of some ads featuring same-sex parents in particular.

Campbell's Soup - Gay Dads

The Force Is Strong with These Gay Dads

A new, Star Wars-themed ad campaign for Campbell’s Soup features two gay dads and their son in a clever, funny set up. Watch after the jump.

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