Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2016

Statue of Liberty

New York Non-Bio Mom Fights to Parent her Child

A non-biological mother in New York—generally considered an LGBTQ-friendly state—is fighting for the right to parent her child. Lambda Legal is representing Brooke S.B. as she seeks to continue parenting and financially supporting the six-year-old son she and her former partner, Elizabeth C.C., had planned and were raising together. The two women met in 2006, and settled in upstate New York

Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2016: Master List of Posts

It’s Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day! Here is the master list of contributed posts, which I will keep updated throughout the day. Please come back to check for new additions you haven’t read! Thanks to all of you for participating!

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