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“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 100

Helen and I take an Olympian approach to our 100th vlog. After watching the Olympics non-stop for two weeks, we bring you the “Top Ten Reasons Parenting Is Like the Olympics” (and not just because it’s like sliding down an icy track at 90 miles per hour). Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-04-10 by drudolph […]

NCAA Pulls Focus on Family Ads

Under pressure from LGBT advocates, including Pat Griffin, Change.org, and (I imagine) many of you, the NCAA has pulled the Focus on the Family (FOF) ads from its Web site. As I wrote yesterday, the ads were running at NCAA.com, a site managed in partnership with CBSsports.com. CBS came under fire for running FOF ads

Tell the NCAA to Stop Running Ads for Focus on the Family

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is running banner ads for ultra-conservative group Focus on the Family. You can see them at NCAA.com. (If you don’t, just reload the page; the ads are in rotation with some others.) This is an affront to all LGBT, feminist, and allied NCAA athletes and former athletes. I was

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 99

Helen and I talk about watching the Olympics with our son, teaching him to skate, and keeping kids active during the winter in a snowy climate. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 02-18-2010 by drudolph (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.) Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

Johnny Weir, His Mom, and Gay Guinea Pigs

What does Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir have to do with gay guinea pigs? The talented Sarah Brannen, author and illustrator of Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, the much-challenged children’s book about two male guinea pigs who marry, made a name for herself with photographs and watercolors of ice skaters long before she turned to furry rodents.

A Lesbian Olympic Soundtrack

Thanks to the industrious folks at After Ellen, we now know there are four (count ’em, four!) out lesbian athletes in this year’s Olympics, and no gay male ones. That didn’t stop Olympic organizers from having k.d. lang perform at the opening ceremonies, or prevent NBC from using Melissa Etheridge’s “This Moment” for the closing

In Memoriam: Brendan Burke

Last November, I posted about Brian Burke, the gruff president and general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, who very publicly supported his gay son Brendan, a hockey player for Miami University. Today I just learned of the sad news that Brendan was killed in a weather-related two-car accident in Indiana Friday afternoon. My deepest

Hockey Dad, Gay Son

This ESPN story is apparently breaking all over the sporting news today and will surely hit the LGBT news soon. Brian Burke, president and general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, “a most public example of hockey machismo,” has a gay son, and accepts him. Not only that, but the son, Brendan, plays hockey for

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 83

Helen and I discuss a melodrama shot entirely at Ikea (without the staff knowing) and how motherhood may have helped Kim Clijsters win at the U.S. Open. We also give you our thoughts on the anime-crossover movie Ponyo, now out from Disney with Tina Fey, Cate Blanchett, and Lily Tomlin among those redubbing the Japanese

Love (Kisses) and Basketball

Ever watch an NBA game? In many arenas, there’s a “KissCam” that puts images of couples in the audience on the overhead Jumbotron screen, so the rest of the audience can encourage them to kiss. It’s silly but harmless. Go to a WNBA Washington Mystic’s game, however, and you won’t find a KissCam, even though

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