
New and Improved Resources for Creating Welcoming Schools

The Human Rights Campaign has launched a revamped version of its Welcoming Schools site, and it’s packed with information for parents/caregivers and educators about how to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, including LGBT ones and those with LGBT parents. The new site breaks down much of the information in HRC’s Welcoming Schools […]

Reading, Writing, ‘Rithmetic, and Reaching Out

Back-to-school time is upon us once again. We LGBT parents with kids in school are busy buying pencils and notebooks, rulers and knapsacks. We’re not that different from any others.

Modern Family’s Gay Dad Explains His Role’s Impact on Children, Bullying

After winning an Emmy Sunday night for playing a gay dad on ABC’s Modern Family, Eric Stonestreet talked at a press conference about the impact of the show: “We get amazing compliments from kids of same-sex marriage families. For example, the most recent one just was the other day. A gentleman approached me and said

New Study: Children of Same-Sex Parents Make Normal School Progress

A new study has found that children of same-sex parents are making progress through primary school at the same rate as children of opposite-sex couples. This will come as no surprise to most readers here; you’ve likely already read about this study and this one, which found that children of same-sex couples are just as

Back to School, Back to Sleep

Eighty percent of American students in grades 6 through 12 aren’t getting enough sleep during the school year, according to research by the National Sleep Foundation, reports the LA Times. The paper also discusses the increasing number of schools starting classes later, especially for teens. It’s about time, I say. I have never understood why

The Sins of the Mothers?

Not this again. An Anglican elementary school in Bedford, Texas has denied admission to a girl because her parents are lesbians and married in Canada, reports NBCDFW. The head of St. Vincent’s School, Kenneth Monk, said that by allowing the the school would be “going off our canons” that say marriage is limited to one man

National Education Standards: Good or Bad?

Less than two months ago, U.S.  governors and state school chiefs released recommendations for national education standards in math and English. The standards were developed by the states, which can choose whether to adopt them, but U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said he is “ecstatic” about the initiative. The New York Times reports today that 27

Gary and Tony Have a Study Guide: What Do You Think?

CNN’s hour-long profile of two gay dads, Gary and Tony Have a Baby, airs Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET. In preparation, CNN has put together a study guide of “Before-Viewing Discussion Questions,” aimed at students in grade 11 and up. They include: “How would you define the traditional American family? Can you think of

Tell Florida County Not to Segregate Books

In the same month that the American Library Association came out with its annual list of the Most Frequently Challenged Books, two Florida moms have stepped up their campaign to have libraries put a “Warning: Mature Content” label on any young adult books that refer to illegal acts or contain “inappropriate” content and to segregate

Which 529 to Choose?

Ready to open a 529 college savings account for your child? My spouse Helen has been looking into options for ours. Truth is, he already has 529’s in two states, but as we’ve both moved and learned more about 529’s, the options we’ve preferred have changed. (For the uninitiated: you are not required to open

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