Family Voices

Family Voices XI

Continuing my Family Voices series with the second post by a member of COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere). Below, Jonathan shares a bit of his “lovably bizarre” family, talks about his experience as the son of a transgender father, and reminds us of the importance of keeping a sense of humor. Tell us […]

Family Voices X

This is the first post in the second phase of my Family Voices series. Over the next several weeks, members of COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere) will share their thoughts on having one or more LGBT parents, and how that shaped them as both children and adults. Below, Kate, a social worker from

Family Voices: Interlude

Over the past few months, I’ve been pleased to work with the Family Pride Coalition and their OUTSpoken Families program to bring you a series of Family Voices, interviews with LGBT parents around the country. For the next phase of Family Voices, I’m proud to join with COLAGE, Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere, to

Family Voices IX

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms—and grandmothers—Barbara and Patricia. Below, they talk about their multi-religious and multi-ethnic family, being mothers to a young child while also having grown children, coming out to older children, and their love of P-town. As with the previous families highlighted in this feature, they are members of

Family Voices VIII

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms Rachel and Sandy, who live in Washington state with their four children and co-parent with the biological dad of three of them. Below, they talk about their successful efforts to create safer schools and influence politicians, the benefits of co-parenting, being an egg donor to another

“Family Voices” in Spanish

For the past two months, I’ve posted Family Voices, a series of interviews with LGBT families from around the country. The families volunteered because of their involvement in the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTSpoken Families program, and their commitment to speaking with their local communities and media about their lives and the need for LGBT equality.

Family Voices VII

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms Nikki and Jody, who live in New Jersey with their infant daughter and Nikki’s father. Below, they talk about their tempestuous first meeting, using a known donor, being out to employers, dealing with relatives, parenting as the lesbian daughter of a gay dad, having a civil

Family Voices VI

Back after a short summer break, this week’s Family Voices interview is with California dads David and Clay. Below, they talk about the importance of dinnertime, storytime, and time off, and share a bit of parenting haiku. As with the previous families highlighted in this feature, they are members of the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTSpoken

Family Voices V

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms and lawyers NS and AH, who live in California with their toddler. Below, they talk about their extended family of over 20 nieces and nephews, sleep deprivation, balancing family and work, and more. As with the previous families highlighted in this feature, they are members of

Family Voices IV

This week’s Family Voices interview is with gay dads Rod and Lindel, who live in Massachusetts with their toddler Hugh. Below, they share their thoughts about adoption, extended family, routine, visibility, and more. As with the previous families highlighted in this feature, they are members of the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTSpoken Families program, and committed

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