
Who’s Destroying Marriage? A Photo Essay

Same-sex couples are destroying marriage? No, I think opposite-sex couples are doing very well on their own, as this series of actual wedding cake toppers indicates. Apparently, marriage is something into which straight men need to be dragged or chained. (At least one company, Wilton, has a topper featuring a “Runaway Bride“—but for the most […]

The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America

Out magazine just published their fourth annual list of “The Power 50: The Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America,” and David Mixner has posted his list of the Twenty Most Powerful Lesbians in American Politics, which means it’s time for my fourth annual list of The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America. The

Spring Agenda

Consider this an open thread for the first week of spring. What’s up with all of you? [polldaddy poll=2941772]

Lesbian Albatrosses Welcome Chick

The two female albatrosses in New Zealand who have been incubating an egg together are now the proud parents of a little chick. The Times Online reports: For the next six months the new parents will take turns to alternately guard and feed the chick, with one protecting it from predators while the other goes

“Our Big Gayborhood” Opens Its Doors

Many of you know Lori Hahn from her blog Hahn at Home, where she writes about life as the single parent of teens. Because that clearly wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she has also joined with writer Margo Moon to launch Our Big Gayborhood, “an entertaining new site full of lively, powerful, snarky, reflective

Heather Has a Good Laugh

Somewhere, a pair of penguins is snickering. (Thanks, Queerty.) As always, more videos with positive images of LGBT families at the Mombian YouTube channel.

Happy Fall!

Happy fall to everyone! Fall, to me, has always signaled new beginnings. Too many years in academia, I suppose, and now a son in the educational system. I also love the foods of fall, from fresh apples to savory casseroles to home-baked pumpkin pie. What are your favorite fall activities or foods?

Baby, You Can Drive My Car

This has nothing to do with parenting or LGBT rights, but I thought I’d pass along this timely tidbit on a groundbreaking woman: On June 9, 1909, Alice Huyler Ramsey set off on her successful journey to become the first woman to drive across the United States from coast to coast. Three other women accompanied

Gay Dads Get a Lift at IKEA

One more reason I love IKEA. Actual photo from the IKEA in Stoughton, Mass. (And yes, there was another elevator next to it with a “man” and a “woman” and a child—or a butch and a femme, depending on your perspective. One of the figures was in a dress. Interpret it as you will. That

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