Who’s Destroying Marriage? A Photo Essay

Same-sex couples are destroying marriage? No, I think opposite-sex couples are doing very well on their own, as this series of actual wedding cake toppers indicates. Apparently, marriage is something into which straight men need to be dragged or chained.

(At least one company, Wilton, has a topper featuring a “Runaway Bride“—but for the most part it seems to be the men who need persuading. And in an attempt at diversity (!?), Wilton also offers the “Oh, No You Don’t” figurine (the first one below) in an “Ethnic” variety, because apparently anyone who isn’t white is “ethnic.”)

And yes, there are same-sex cake toppers around. Google “lesbian cake toppers” or “gay cake toppers,” and you’ll get plenty of hits. Many companies also offer separate brides and grooms so you can mix and match gender, ethnicity, hobby, etc. to suit your needs. Funny though—I looked through a bunch of sites in preparing this post, and saw no same-sex toppers that indicated one of the parties needed to be dragged or chained into marriage.

Photo credits: Top row, l-r: Sailor Coruscant; Sebastien Paquet. Bottom row, l-r: Kim Marius Flakstad; nola.agent.

5 thoughts on “Who’s Destroying Marriage? A Photo Essay”

  1. This is great, what an interesting way to make a point. The only wacky cake toppers for same sex couples that would be a hit would be two women or two men climbing the cake like it’s Mt. Everest and Marriage is the victory at the summit.

  2. Funny how so many “traditional marriage” advocates talk about marriage as a blessing, but then go and treat it like a chore. A lot funnier than those cake toppers, at any rate.

  3. To increase the ick factor even further, it looks like this company made the “ethnic” version simply by painting the “regular” version. Same hair, same faces.

    Hmm… maybe the same-sex cake toppers could have the couple standing on the stack of legal paperwork they got before marriage was legal, or in case they ever want to have kids or leave the state: d.p. certificates, powers of attorney, standby guardianship, adoption studies…

  4. This is a great post. I hate going into the wedding sections of Barnes & Noble, Borders, or even Williams & Sonoma.. they have yet to strive toward a single tidbit of same-sex inclusion in their categorized products and it always makes me feel half-human at best.

    I hate the fight for our rights, but I love that it’s on the docket, finally. We’ll get there.




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