Health and Safety

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day 2024: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, a time to remember that HIV/AIDS continues to shatter lives, families, and communities, even as other pandemics take hold. Since this is a parenting blog, I’m once again sharing how HIV/AIDS has impacted children and parents around the world.

Spirit Day 2024

A Spirit of Hope

Today is Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to show support for LGBTQ youth and speak out against bullying—both personal bullying and the sweeping bullying of anti-LGBTQ laws and rhetoric.

LGBTQ Kids' Books About AIDS

12 LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books About AIDS and People With HIV or AIDS

For World AIDS Day and any time, here’s a roundup of LGBTQ-inclusive picture and middle grade books about AIDS and people living with HIV or AIDS. HIV and AIDS are not LGBTQ-specific, of course, but have hit our community hard, and LGBTQ-inclusive books are my focus. May these books offer insight into our history and a disease still with us.

Spirit Day

That’s the Spirit!

Things are always pretty purple here at Mombian, but I’m feeling extra purple today for Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to show support for LGBTQ youth and speak out against bullying—which to my mind includes both personal bullying and the sweeping bullying of anti-LGBTQ laws and rhetoric.

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