Health and Safety

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How to Talk with Kids About Consent

The news this week has once again underscored the need to teach children at an early age about consent. Here are a few resources to help parents and teachers address the topic in age-appropriate ways.

Hurricane Florence. Photo credit: ESA/NASA—A. Gerst

In the Face of Disaster: Helping Children Cope

A hurricane bearing down on the Carolinas. Wildfires in California. A typhoon in the Phillipines. A gas line fault causing multiple explosions and fires in residential areas near me in Massachusetts. All this in the week of 9/11. Disasters are much on my mind, so here are a few resources to help us parents help our kids prepare for them and cope during and after—including one resource that’s unabashedly queer.


Queer Families and Reproductive Rights

While IVF has become an important part of LGBTQ family creation, we should be careful not to equate the two. At the same time, we need to realize that current threats to reproductive health care could impact the LGBTQ community as much as any other.

Day of Silence 2018

Louder Than Words

Today is the Day of Silence, when many students from middle school to college choose not to speak, in order to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment. Let’s take a moment to honor those taking a stand today—and on so many other days as well.

March for Our Lives

March On

Wishing peace, strength, and perseverance to all who are gathering today to speak out for gun control and to end gun violence in our schools—especially the young people who are leading us where we should have gone long ago.

National School Walkout

17 Minutes of Silence

Students around the country are organizing walkouts and other observances at 10:00 a.m. ET today to honor the victims of gun violence and stress the need for stricter gun control laws. As parents, we need to listen to and support them. Here are a few resources to help.

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