
Mombian-Bilerico Birthday Contest Winners

Thanks to the participants and winners in last week’s Mombian-Bilerico Birthday Blowout. Reader CMB won the two books and CD. Bil at Bilerico says he now has an extra copy of children’s book Choose to Love, however, and will offer it to my second-place winner Erin. Thanks, Bil! I’ll also be running a new contest […]

Mombian/Bilerico Birthday Contest Extravaganza

Bil Browning, founder of The Bilerico Project, was kind enough to suggest we celebrate our respective blogs’ birthdays with a little cross-promotion. Bil and his partner Jerame have built their site into one of the most active and diverse LGBT communities online in only a year, all while raising a teenager and two dogs (as

San Francisco Pride, Family Style

Continuing my coast-to-coast exploration of the family side of Pride, here are a few shots from the Family Garden at San Francisco Pride 2008. Yes, it’s official: Pride is now as much about crayons as it is about feather boas and motorcycles. In addition to watching our son climb all over the playground with his

Birthdays All Around

Our friends at the Bilerico Project are celebrating their first birthday on Wednesday. Click over and join the fun. They’ll have contests and festivities all week long. As it happens, Mombian passed its third birthday on June 21. Since that was only a day before my two-week trip to California, with unknown Internet access, I

Father’s Day Roundup

Even mainstream media seems to be paying attention to gay dads this week: MSNBC’s Mike Stuckey spoke with two Seattle men who have three sons, Zach, Zayn, and Zeth, who [despite growing up to hate alphabetical order] are doing much better than they were with their “substance-abusing and incarcerated biological parents.” The judge who granted

Super Dads Galore

A follow up to my earlier post on TiVo and Focus on the Family: Both the Family Equality Council and Box Turtle Bulletin are asking people to submit entries about super LGBT dads to the FOF contest and then to send them copies of the entries, which FOF is screening out. (I’m assuming the same

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 29

Helen and I don tie-dye this week to celebrate the California marriage ruling. We then share various ways to include children in weddings or commitment ceremonies. With many same-sex couples having ceremonies after they have kids, it’s important to help young ones understand what the occasion is about, and make them feel a part of

This Day In History

Two days ago, California became the second state to legalize marriage of same-sex couples. Today marks the fourth anniversary of the first legal marriages of same-sex couples in Massachusetts; the 54th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, and the 18th anniversary of when the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who call yourselves mothers. We may come by the title in different ways, but the one thing we all share is a love of our children. I found it interesting that two lesbian-mom authors this week wrote of the difficulty of sharing Mother’s Day with another mother. Harlyn

It’s the Little Things

Having preschool teachers who make sure your son brings home two handmade flowerpots for Mother’s Day? Priceless.

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