
Morning Reading Roundup

A few recent articles about LGBT families for you to peruse: “Gay Man Reflects on Struggle to Become a Father,” by Nick Grabbe in the Amherst Bulletin, is the story of David Jean and Don Babets, “pioneers in the struggle for equal adoption rights for gay and lesbian couples” in Massachusetts. “No Such Thing as […]

Lend an LGBT Voice to the Parents’-Rights Movement

Moms Rising, the organization dedicated to building a “family-friendly America” through better employment rights and benefits for parents, is promoting a bevy of activities for Mother’s Day weekend. I’ve written before about Moms Rising, and noted the similarities between the parents-rights movement and the LGBT rights movement: Parents’-rights groups are working to change the playing

Best Countries for Mothers and Children

It’s important to keep things in perspective. Much as we rightly criticize the U.S. for its less-than ideal policies towards parents and children, especially LGBT ones, we generally do all right here in the developed world. The humanitarian organization Save the Children today released its eighth annual Mothers’ Index, ranking the best and worst places

Book Review: Courting Equality

If you are still searching for the perfect Mother’s or Father’s Day gift for your partner or your own parents, you need look no further than Courting Equality: A Documentary History of America’s First Legal Same-Sex Marriages. It is a glossy, large-format work, but to call it a coffee-table book is to do it an

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Today is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, “designed to expand opportunities for girls and boys, expose them to what adults in their lives do during the work day, show them the value of their education, and give them an opportunity to share how they envision their future.” I find it telling, however,

Shakespeare and Lesbianism

While we’re on the subject of April observances, I’ll note that today is the traditional (though perhaps incorrect) celebration of Shakespeare’s birthday. In honor of the Bard, therefore, yet in keeping with the theme of this site, I give you two quotes. The first is from his gender-mix-up comedy Twelfth Night. Viola, disguised as a

April Observances

April seems to have more than its fair share of awareness-raising observances. I’ve already written about National Poetry Month, the Day of Silence, Global Youth Service Day, and Earth Day. Coming up, we have: April 22-28: the Week of the Young Child, “an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young

LGBT Families Roll Eggs, Go Home

Sometimes the best news is no news. The party of LGBT families attending the White House Egg Roll yesterday showed up, rolled eggs, took photos, and went home. No one protested their attendance. The Politico has an interview with Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director of Family Pride, in which she says the lack of protest is

Mombian Is a Top 100 Mom Blog

[Update: Joan Conde at Mamacita has pointed out that this award is in all likelihood a scam to encourage links to the Mother’s Day Central site for purely commercial purposes. I’m not against making a buck, but Mother’s Day Central seems to be employing duplicitous means to do so. The lack of contact information on

Bacon and Eggs: Update from the Family Pride Coalition

Over the last week or so, I asked you to help the Family Pride Coalition meet a charity challenge from actor Kevin Bacon. I’m pleased to report they met the challenge, and will receive $10,000 from Bacon’s Sixdegrees organization. They also exceeded their goal of 1,138 donations, racking up $30,000 on top of Bacon’s $10,000.

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