
Nissan Pathfinder Rock Creek (HRC magnet added by me.)

My Auto Adventure With Nissan

When Nissan USA asked if my spouse and I would like to attend an influencer weekend, I said yes—it’s important for us LGBTQ folks to have a seat at the table (or in the vehicle). Come along on our ride to the Catskills, with my musings on corporate allyship!

Star Pride - Olivia Travel Iceland Cruise 2022

Cruising Through Parenthood: 2 Moms, 2 Boats, 19 Years

My spouse Helen and I recently returned from a trip to Iceland with Olivia Travel, a company catering to LGBTQ women. Our previous trip with them was when our son was six months old. He’s now in his second year of college. I’ve therefore been reflecting on lessons about family and parenting that I’ve learned from each of those voyages.

Family Week 2019

25 Years of the Biggest LGBTQ Family Gathering in the World

This Saturday is the start of the 25th Annual Family Week in Provincetown, the world’s largest gathering of LGBTQ+ families. At a time when LGBTQ families are still fighting to be recognized as families, the event offers not only vacation, but also encouragement and inspiration.

Family Week

10 Tips for a Great Family Week

Family Week in Provincetown, at the end of July, is the largest annual gathering of LGBTQ+ parents and families in the world. There’s so much to do, in fact, that it can be overwhelming, so here’s a guest post from Elena Phethean, a Community Events & Program Intern with Family Equality Council, with some tips on


Travel Tips for LGBT Parents

Although the winter holidays are over, some of us may already be thinking ahead to travel plans for spring or summer. Here’s a resource for some important travel tips that LGBT parents should know.

Building Bridges in Disney World

My family and I took a trip to Disney World a few weeks ago (before the hurricane), an end-of-summer hurrah before our son started high school. The rides and entertainment still retain their magic for us—but on this trip, I was also thinking about how Disney both reflects and influences our society, and what that means in the current era for a queer family like ours.

The White House Easter Egg Roll and LGBTQ Families

Many are questioning the Trump administration’s preparation (or lack thereof) for the venerable White House Easter Egg roll, a 139-year-old tradition—and one that has recently been a place of visibility for LGBTQ families, mine included.

Our Normal Life Atlanta

Lesbian Family Travel Tales

Summer is often a time for travel, and three lesbian mom vloggers are sharing their travel tales with us.

Take a look!

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