
Parent Hacks

A big thanks to Asha Dornfest of Parent Hacks for helping to spread the word about Blogging for LGBT Families Day. If you haven’t been to the Parent Hacks site yet, you should take a look. It’s a collaborative blog chock-full of practical tips and advice from real parents. Recent posts include Quick, Healthy Breakfast […]

Why Straight People Should Support LGBT Rights

An unmarried straight couple with three children in Missouri face eviction because of a city ordinance that prohibits more than three people from living together if they are unrelated by blood, marriage, or adoption, Blogging Baby reports. This is a great example of why even straight couples should be very wary of supporting anti-gay-marriage legislation.

“Millennial” Generation to Decide Same-Sex Marriage

The “Millennial” generation of those born between 1985 and 2004 will “have the final say over full marriage equality” and be overwhelmingly for it, claims Deb Price of the Detroit News. Recent surveys indicate that younger voters are more likely than older ones to support same-sex marriage. “MIllennials” are a big generation, too: the 2000

Cloud heart

It’s the Love

Once in a while I see something that renews my faith in our future.

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2006

If you’re looking for information about the 2007 Blogging for LGBT Families Day, please click here. UPDATE, June 1, 2006: The list of participating blogs is here. I’m declaring June 1, 2006 Blogging for LGBT Families Day, a day to raise awareness about LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) families. I want to invite you

National Day of Silence

Tomorrow is the 10th national Day of Silence, “the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” Participating students will be silent for all or part of the day, to recognize the silencing of LGBT students and their allies. They will also be organizing

Lesbian Soccer Mom Walking 500 Miles for Togetherness

Self-described “lesbian soccer mom” Jennifer Schumaker has begun a walk of 569 miles, from San Diego to San Francisco, to encourage dialogue among LGBT people and their families, friends and allies. “If we, as a part of the human family, can acknowledge our interconnectedness and common values,” Schumaker says, “we can work together to lift

Workplace Studies Reveal Progress and Opportunities

Two recent, complementary studies of LGBT workplace issues show a positive trend in benefits and attitudes, but do not conceal that there is still room for improvement. The HRC Domestic Partner Benefits (PDF) guide looks at the number of employers offering domestic-partner benefits, associated costs, the impact of anti-discrimination and equal-benefits ordinances, tax implications, “soft”

In Honor of Martin Luther King Day

May his dream of equal rights and acceptance continue to spread among us. I encourage all of you to read or reread his “I Have a Dream” speech today. Read it to your kids, if they’re old enough to start understanding it. How far have we come? How far do we have yet to go?

Other Parenting and Family Sites, New and Old

It’s a new year, and there’s a new parenting site on the block: Parent Hacks, “a collaborative weblog of practical parenting wisdom.” It’s not specifically LGBT, but looks to be a good resource for general parenting tips. I can’t say I agree with them all, but that’s a matter of personal style. There’s still much

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