Lesbian Soccer Mom Walking 500 Miles for Togetherness

Jennifer SchumakerSelf-described “lesbian soccer mom” Jennifer Schumaker has begun a walk of 569 miles, from San Diego to San Francisco, to encourage dialogue among LGBT people and their families, friends and allies. “If we, as a part of the human family, can acknowledge our interconnectedness and common values,” Schumaker says, “we can work together to lift the level of discussion, caring and compassion.”

Her “Walk for Togetherness” site has more details on her vision, route, and sponsors, along with a blog of her progress. The Advocate will publish weekly updates of her trek. She is also garnering some mainstream coverage in newspapers like the North County Times. Readers’ comments on the Times’ article, though, are a reminder of what a difficult journey we all have ahead.

Best of luck to you, Jennifer!

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  1. Pingback: Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms » Blog Archive » Join Lesbian Soccer Mom in Bridge Walk for Marriage Equality

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