For Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Beyond
I’m just going to leave this here today.
The election of Donald Trump to a second term as president feels like a body blow. The danger of his policies to LGBTQ and other marginalized people is real. Nevertheless, there are actions LGBTQ parents can take now to protect and support our families—and there are a few things that are giving me hope.
Today marks the 25th Transgender Day of Remembrance, when we honor the lives of those who died because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice, and ensure they are remembered with dignity and respect. I wish all of my transgender friends and readers love and support on this day of mourning.
Five books out this year offer invaluable resources for educators and others seeking to support transgender and gender nonconforming students and make schools places where children of all gender identities may learn and flourish.
It’s a day to say gay—and lesbian, bi, transgender, and queer! GLSEN’s annual Day of Silence has been rebranded this year as the Day of (No) Silence, a time for LGBTQ students and their allies to take action against anti-LGBTQ harassment and discrimination in schools.
Anti-LGBTQ actions and rhetoric have been on the rise for several years now, but this week seems to have been particularly awful. How can we support ourselves, our children, and the LGBTQ community through these tough times?
Like many of us, I have been saddened and angered by the death of 16-year-old nonbinary transgender student Nex Benedict after an assault at school. Nex’s death is a tragedy—and Nex is not the only trans young person to have died too soon.
As we honor Dr. King today, I hope we put his words into action throughout the year. Here’s my revised list of resources for talking with kids about both the holiday and about race and racism—conversations we should be having regularly.
Today is Giving Tuesday, an opportunity not only to give to charitable causes, but also to remind our children about the importance of giving. Here are some other ways my spouse and I have tried to teach our son this lesson all year round.
Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance, when we honor the lives of those who died because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. I wish all of my transgender friends and readers love and support on this day of mourning.